History available for VIN KNDJF724667292295

  • Make:
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  • Year:
  • Engine:
    2.0L L4 DOHC 16V
  • Bodytype:
    Sport Utility 4-dr
We found history records for Kia Sportage, KNDJF724667292295. Additional information about history report below:
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Recalls: Kia Sportage, 2006

Date: 17.04.2009Component: Exterior Lighting : Brake Lights : SwitchManufacturer: Kia Motors CorporationDescription: Huyndai-kia is recalling 139,844 my 2006-2007- sedona, sportage, sorento and my rondo and amanti vehicles. the stop lamp switch in the affected vehicles may malfunction. a malfunctioning stop lamp switch may cause the brake lights to not illuminate when the brake pedal is depressed or may cause the brake lights to remain illuminated when the brake pedal is released. a stop lamp switch malfunction may also affect the operation of the brake-transmission shift interlock feature so the transmission shifter would not be able to be shifted out of the park position. it may also cause the electronic stability control (esc) malfunction light to illuminate, and it may not deactivate the cruise control when the brake pedal is depressed.Consequencs: Any of these malfunctions, alone or in combination, may lead to a crash.Notes: Dealers will replace the stop lamp switch free of charge. the recall began on june 17, 2009. owners may contact kia's consumer assistance center at 1-800-333-4542.
Date: 17.04.2009Component: Exterior Lighting : Brake Lights : SwitchManufacturer: Kia Motors CorporationDescription: Huyndai-kia is recalling 139,844 my 2006-2007- sedona, sportage, sorento and my rondo and amanti vehicles. the stop lamp switch in the affected vehicles may malfunction. a malfunctioning stop lamp switch may cause the brake lights to not illuminate when the brake pedal is depressed or may cause the brake lights to remain illuminated when the brake pedal is released. a stop lamp switch malfunction may also affect the operation of the brake-transmission shift interlock feature so the transmission shifter would not be able to be shifted out of the park position. it may also cause the electronic stability control (esc) malfunction light to illuminate, and it may not deactivate the cruise control when the brake pedal is depressed.Consequencs: Any of these malfunctions, alone or in combination, may lead to a crash.Notes: Dealers will replace the stop lamp switch free of charge. the recall began on june 17, 2009. owners may contact kia's consumer assistance center at 1-800-333-4542.
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