History available for VIN WA1YD64B62N090003

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Recalls: Audi Allroad, 2002

Date: 18.03.2004Component: Electrical SystemManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: On certain passenger vehicles, if a driver's knees push against the knee bolster (crash element) located under the dashboard, it can contact the headlight switch wiring harness, and an electrical short could occur. Consequencs: A fire could originate in the left dashboard area. Notes: Dealers will install a protective covering on the knee bolster (crash element). in addition, the wiring harness as well as the felt protector on the left side of the dashboard carrier will be checked, and replaced if necessary. the recall began on july 26, 2004. owners should contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
Date: 18.03.2004Component: Electrical SystemManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: On certain passenger vehicles, if a driver's knees push against the knee bolster (crash element) located under the dashboard, it can contact the headlight switch wiring harness, and an electrical short could occur. Consequencs: A fire could originate in the left dashboard area. Notes: Dealers will install a protective covering on the knee bolster (crash element). in addition, the wiring harness as well as the felt protector on the left side of the dashboard carrier will be checked, and replaced if necessary. the recall began on july 26, 2004. owners should contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
Date: 18.03.2004Component: Electrical SystemManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: On certain passenger vehicles, if a driver's knees push against the knee bolster (crash element) located under the dashboard, it can contact the headlight switch wiring harness, and an electrical short could occur. Consequencs: A fire could originate in the left dashboard area. Notes: Dealers will install a protective covering on the knee bolster (crash element). in addition, the wiring harness as well as the felt protector on the left side of the dashboard carrier will be checked, and replaced if necessary. the recall began on july 26, 2004. owners should contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
Date: 18.03.2004Component: Electrical SystemManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: On certain passenger vehicles, if a driver's knees push against the knee bolster (crash element) located under the dashboard, it can contact the headlight switch wiring harness, and an electrical short could occur. Consequencs: A fire could originate in the left dashboard area. Notes: Dealers will install a protective covering on the knee bolster (crash element). in addition, the wiring harness as well as the felt protector on the left side of the dashboard carrier will be checked, and replaced if necessary. the recall began on july 26, 2004. owners should contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
Date: 05.06.2006Component: Electrical SystemManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: On certain passenger vehicles equipped with halogen low beam headlights, certain connector pins in the headlight switch connector come into contact with each other causing a short circuit. note: vehicles with xenon low beam headlights are not affected because the circuit in these vehicles contains a fuse, which precludes excessive current flow in the case of a short circuit. audi s6 and s6 avant vehicles are all equipped with xenon low beam headlights and, therefore, are not longer affected by this recall.Consequencs: This condition could lead to overheating or fire.Notes: Dealers will reroute the wiring harness by installing a jumper wiring harness. the recall began on december 16, 2006. owners may contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
Date: 05.06.2006Component: Electrical SystemManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: On certain passenger vehicles equipped with halogen low beam headlights, certain connector pins in the headlight switch connector come into contact with each other causing a short circuit. note: vehicles with xenon low beam headlights are not affected because the circuit in these vehicles contains a fuse, which precludes excessive current flow in the case of a short circuit. audi s6 and s6 avant vehicles are all equipped with xenon low beam headlights and, therefore, are not longer affected by this recall.Consequencs: This condition could lead to overheating or fire.Notes: Dealers will reroute the wiring harness by installing a jumper wiring harness. the recall began on december 16, 2006. owners may contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
Date: 05.06.2006Component: Electrical SystemManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: On certain passenger vehicles equipped with halogen low beam headlights, certain connector pins in the headlight switch connector come into contact with each other causing a short circuit. note: vehicles with xenon low beam headlights are not affected because the circuit in these vehicles contains a fuse, which precludes excessive current flow in the case of a short circuit. audi s6 and s6 avant vehicles are all equipped with xenon low beam headlights and, therefore, are not longer affected by this recall.Consequencs: This condition could lead to overheating or fire.Notes: Dealers will reroute the wiring harness by installing a jumper wiring harness. the recall began on december 16, 2006. owners may contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
Date: 05.06.2006Component: Electrical SystemManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: On certain passenger vehicles equipped with halogen low beam headlights, certain connector pins in the headlight switch connector come into contact with each other causing a short circuit. note: vehicles with xenon low beam headlights are not affected because the circuit in these vehicles contains a fuse, which precludes excessive current flow in the case of a short circuit. audi s6 and s6 avant vehicles are all equipped with xenon low beam headlights and, therefore, are not longer affected by this recall.Consequencs: This condition could lead to overheating or fire.Notes: Dealers will reroute the wiring harness by installing a jumper wiring harness. the recall began on december 16, 2006. owners may contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
Date: 05.06.2006Component: Electrical SystemManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: On certain passenger vehicles equipped with halogen low beam headlights, certain connector pins in the headlight switch connector come into contact with each other causing a short circuit. note: vehicles with xenon low beam headlights are not affected because the circuit in these vehicles contains a fuse, which precludes excessive current flow in the case of a short circuit. audi s6 and s6 avant vehicles are all equipped with xenon low beam headlights and, therefore, are not longer affected by this recall.Consequencs: This condition could lead to overheating or fire.Notes: Dealers will reroute the wiring harness by installing a jumper wiring harness. the recall began on december 16, 2006. owners may contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
Date: 08.04.2008Component: Fuel System, Gasoline : Storage : Tank AssemblyManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: Volkswagen is recalling 68,240 my 2001-2004 audi a6 quattro vehicles equipped with 2.7l, 2.8l, or 3.0l engines and my 2001-2005 allroad quattro vehicles equipped with 2.7l or 4.2l engines. the aging of the plastic material in the fuel tank rollover valve combined with bending stress from the aluminum ventilation line to the rollover valve nipple may lead to cracking of the nipple. if this happens, a fuel leak may result.Consequencs: A fuel leak in the presence of an ignition source could lead to a vehicle fire.Notes: Dealers will reinforce the nipple on the rollover valve to prevent leakage or repair the cracking at the nipple. the recall began on june 27, 2008. owners may contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
Date: 08.04.2008Component: Fuel System, Gasoline : Storage : Tank AssemblyManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: Volkswagen is recalling 68,240 my 2001-2004 audi a6 quattro vehicles equipped with 2.7l, 2.8l, or 3.0l engines and my 2001-2005 allroad quattro vehicles equipped with 2.7l or 4.2l engines. the aging of the plastic material in the fuel tank rollover valve combined with bending stress from the aluminum ventilation line to the rollover valve nipple may lead to cracking of the nipple. if this happens, a fuel leak may result.Consequencs: A fuel leak in the presence of an ignition source could lead to a vehicle fire.Notes: Dealers will reinforce the nipple on the rollover valve to prevent leakage or repair the cracking at the nipple. the recall began on june 27, 2008. owners may contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
Date: 08.04.2008Component: Fuel System, Gasoline : Storage : Tank AssemblyManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: Volkswagen is recalling 68,240 my 2001-2004 audi a6 quattro vehicles equipped with 2.7l, 2.8l, or 3.0l engines and my 2001-2005 allroad quattro vehicles equipped with 2.7l or 4.2l engines. the aging of the plastic material in the fuel tank rollover valve combined with bending stress from the aluminum ventilation line to the rollover valve nipple may lead to cracking of the nipple. if this happens, a fuel leak may result.Consequencs: A fuel leak in the presence of an ignition source could lead to a vehicle fire.Notes: Dealers will reinforce the nipple on the rollover valve to prevent leakage or repair the cracking at the nipple. the recall began on june 27, 2008. owners may contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
Date: 08.04.2008Component: Fuel System, Gasoline : Storage : Tank AssemblyManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: Volkswagen is recalling 68,240 my 2001-2004 audi a6 quattro vehicles equipped with 2.7l, 2.8l, or 3.0l engines and my 2001-2005 allroad quattro vehicles equipped with 2.7l or 4.2l engines. the aging of the plastic material in the fuel tank rollover valve combined with bending stress from the aluminum ventilation line to the rollover valve nipple may lead to cracking of the nipple. if this happens, a fuel leak may result.Consequencs: A fuel leak in the presence of an ignition source could lead to a vehicle fire.Notes: Dealers will reinforce the nipple on the rollover valve to prevent leakage or repair the cracking at the nipple. the recall began on june 27, 2008. owners may contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
Date: 08.04.2008Component: Fuel System, Gasoline : Storage : Tank AssemblyManufacturer: Volkswagen Of America, IncDescription: Volkswagen is recalling 68,240 my 2001-2004 audi a6 quattro vehicles equipped with 2.7l, 2.8l, or 3.0l engines and my 2001-2005 allroad quattro vehicles equipped with 2.7l or 4.2l engines. the aging of the plastic material in the fuel tank rollover valve combined with bending stress from the aluminum ventilation line to the rollover valve nipple may lead to cracking of the nipple. if this happens, a fuel leak may result.Consequencs: A fuel leak in the presence of an ignition source could lead to a vehicle fire.Notes: Dealers will reinforce the nipple on the rollover valve to prevent leakage or repair the cracking at the nipple. the recall began on june 27, 2008. owners may contact audi at 1-800-822-2834.
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