History available for VIN WBSEK93508CY71799

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  • Year:
  • Engine:
    5.0L V10 DOHC 40V
  • Bodytype:
    Convertible 2-dr
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Recalls: BMW M6, 2008

Date: 26.03.2012Component: Electrical System : Battery : CablesManufacturer: Bmw Of North America, LlcDescription: Bmw is recalling certain model year 2004-2010 5-series, model year 2004-2010 6-series, model year 2006-2010 m5, and model year 2007-2010 m6 vehicles. the insulated bulkhead connector for the positive battery cable may have been incorrectly attached to the trunk floor panel, which can lead to a loosening of the bolt connection. as it loosens, an increase in electrical resistance at this cable connection is possible and could cause the cable connection to overheat. Consequencs: Overheating could lead to a fire, even while the vehicle is not in use. as a precaution, owners are advised to park outside until the remedy has been made. Notes: Bmw will notify owners, and dealers will inspect and secure the battery bolt cable connection as necessary, free of charge. the safety recall began on april 30, 2012. owners may contact bmw customer relations and services at 1-800-525-7417.
Date: 26.03.2012Component: Electrical System : Battery : CablesManufacturer: Bmw Of North America, LlcDescription: Bmw is recalling certain model year 2004-2010 5-series, model year 2004-2010 6-series, model year 2006-2010 m5, and model year 2007-2010 m6 vehicles. the insulated bulkhead connector for the positive battery cable may have been incorrectly attached to the trunk floor panel, which can lead to a loosening of the bolt connection. as it loosens, an increase in electrical resistance at this cable connection is possible and could cause the cable connection to overheat. Consequencs: Overheating could lead to a fire, even while the vehicle is not in use. as a precaution, owners are advised to park outside until the remedy has been made. Notes: Bmw will notify owners, and dealers will inspect and secure the battery bolt cable connection as necessary, free of charge. the safety recall began on april 30, 2012. owners may contact bmw customer relations and services at 1-800-525-7417.
Date: 26.03.2012Component: Electrical System : Battery : CablesManufacturer: Bmw Of North America, LlcDescription: Bmw is recalling certain model year 2004-2010 5-series, model year 2004-2010 6-series, model year 2006-2010 m5, and model year 2007-2010 m6 vehicles. the insulated bulkhead connector for the positive battery cable may have been incorrectly attached to the trunk floor panel, which can lead to a loosening of the bolt connection. as it loosens, an increase in electrical resistance at this cable connection is possible and could cause the cable connection to overheat. Consequencs: Overheating could lead to a fire, even while the vehicle is not in use. as a precaution, owners are advised to park outside until the remedy has been made. Notes: Bmw will notify owners, and dealers will inspect and secure the battery bolt cable connection as necessary, free of charge. the safety recall began on april 30, 2012. owners may contact bmw customer relations and services at 1-800-525-7417.
Date: 26.03.2012Component: Electrical System : Battery : CablesManufacturer: Bmw Of North America, LlcDescription: Bmw is recalling certain model year 2004-2010 5-series, model year 2004-2010 6-series, model year 2006-2010 m5, and model year 2007-2010 m6 vehicles. the insulated bulkhead connector for the positive battery cable may have been incorrectly attached to the trunk floor panel, which can lead to a loosening of the bolt connection. as it loosens, an increase in electrical resistance at this cable connection is possible and could cause the cable connection to overheat. Consequencs: Overheating could lead to a fire, even while the vehicle is not in use. as a precaution, owners are advised to park outside until the remedy has been made. Notes: Bmw will notify owners, and dealers will inspect and secure the battery bolt cable connection as necessary, free of charge. the safety recall began on april 30, 2012. owners may contact bmw customer relations and services at 1-800-525-7417.
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