History available for VIN 1FMSU43P85EA31144

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Recalls: Ford Excursion, 2005

Date: 01.08.2006Component: Vehicle Speed ControlManufacturer: Ford Motor CompanyDescription: On certain trucks equipped with speed control, gasoline or natural gas engines, the speed control deactivation switch may overheat.Consequencs: Overheating could result in smoke or burn and an underhood fire.Notes: Dealers will install a fused wiring harness into the speed control system free of charge. the recall began on august 7, 2006. owners may contact ford at 1-866-436-7332. (note: also see recalls 05v017 and 05v388)
Date: 01.08.2006Component: Vehicle Speed ControlManufacturer: Ford Motor CompanyDescription: On certain trucks equipped with speed control, gasoline or natural gas engines, the speed control deactivation switch may overheat.Consequencs: Overheating could result in smoke or burn and an underhood fire.Notes: Dealers will install a fused wiring harness into the speed control system free of charge. the recall began on august 7, 2006. owners may contact ford at 1-866-436-7332. (note: also see recalls 05v017 and 05v388)
Date: 01.08.2006Component: Vehicle Speed ControlManufacturer: Ford Motor CompanyDescription: On certain trucks equipped with speed control, gasoline or natural gas engines, the speed control deactivation switch may overheat.Consequencs: Overheating could result in smoke or burn and an underhood fire.Notes: Dealers will install a fused wiring harness into the speed control system free of charge. the recall began on august 7, 2006. owners may contact ford at 1-866-436-7332. (note: also see recalls 05v017 and 05v388)
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