History available for VIN 1G1YY26W385108820

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Recalls: Chevrolet Corvette, 2008

Date: 11.05.2009Component: Exterior Lighting : HeadlightsManufacturer: Dope, Inc.Description: Dope, inc. is recalling 42,540 combination corner and bumper lamp assemblies of various part numbers sold for use as aftermarket equipment for various passenger vehicles. these headlamps fail to conform to the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 108, "lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment." these lamps do not contain the required amber side reflectors.Consequencs: Decreased lighting visibility may result in a vehicle crash.Notes: Dope, inc. will notify owners and offer a full refund for the noncompliant combination lamps. the safety recall began on july 28, 2009. owners may contact dope, inc. at 1-626-272-1798.
Date: 11.05.2009Component: Exterior Lighting : HeadlightsManufacturer: Dope, Inc.Description: Dope, inc. is recalling 42,540 combination corner and bumper lamp assemblies of various part numbers sold for use as aftermarket equipment for various passenger vehicles. these headlamps fail to conform to the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 108, "lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment." these lamps do not contain the required amber side reflectors.Consequencs: Decreased lighting visibility may result in a vehicle crash.Notes: Dope, inc. will notify owners and offer a full refund for the noncompliant combination lamps. the safety recall began on july 28, 2009. owners may contact dope, inc. at 1-626-272-1798.
Date: 11.05.2009Component: Exterior Lighting : HeadlightsManufacturer: Dope, Inc.Description: Dope, inc. is recalling 42,540 combination corner and bumper lamp assemblies of various part numbers sold for use as aftermarket equipment for various passenger vehicles. these headlamps fail to conform to the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 108, "lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment." these lamps do not contain the required amber side reflectors.Consequencs: Decreased lighting visibility may result in a vehicle crash.Notes: Dope, inc. will notify owners and offer a full refund for the noncompliant combination lamps. the safety recall began on july 28, 2009. owners may contact dope, inc. at 1-626-272-1798.
Date: 11.05.2009Component: Exterior Lighting : HeadlightsManufacturer: Dope, Inc.Description: Dope, inc. is recalling 42,540 combination corner and bumper lamp assemblies of various part numbers sold for use as aftermarket equipment for various passenger vehicles. these headlamps fail to conform to the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 108, "lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment." these lamps do not contain the required amber side reflectors.Consequencs: Decreased lighting visibility may result in a vehicle crash.Notes: Dope, inc. will notify owners and offer a full refund for the noncompliant combination lamps. the safety recall began on july 28, 2009. owners may contact dope, inc. at 1-626-272-1798.
Date: 11.05.2009Component: Exterior Lighting : HeadlightsManufacturer: Dope, Inc.Description: Dope, inc. is recalling 42,540 combination corner and bumper lamp assemblies of various part numbers sold for use as aftermarket equipment for various passenger vehicles. these headlamps fail to conform to the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 108, "lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment." these lamps do not contain the required amber side reflectors.Consequencs: Decreased lighting visibility may result in a vehicle crash.Notes: Dope, inc. will notify owners and offer a full refund for the noncompliant combination lamps. the safety recall began on july 28, 2009. owners may contact dope, inc. at 1-626-272-1798.
Date: 11.05.2009Component: Exterior Lighting : HeadlightsManufacturer: Dope, Inc.Description: Dope, inc. is recalling 42,540 combination corner and bumper lamp assemblies of various part numbers sold for use as aftermarket equipment for various passenger vehicles. these headlamps fail to conform to the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 108, "lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment." these lamps do not contain the required amber side reflectors.Consequencs: Decreased lighting visibility may result in a vehicle crash.Notes: Dope, inc. will notify owners and offer a full refund for the noncompliant combination lamps. the safety recall began on july 28, 2009. owners may contact dope, inc. at 1-626-272-1798.
Date: 11.05.2009Component: Exterior Lighting : HeadlightsManufacturer: Dope, Inc.Description: Dope, inc. is recalling 42,540 combination corner and bumper lamp assemblies of various part numbers sold for use as aftermarket equipment for various passenger vehicles. these headlamps fail to conform to the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 108, "lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment." these lamps do not contain the required amber side reflectors.Consequencs: Decreased lighting visibility may result in a vehicle crash.Notes: Dope, inc. will notify owners and offer a full refund for the noncompliant combination lamps. the safety recall began on july 28, 2009. owners may contact dope, inc. at 1-626-272-1798.
Date: 11.05.2009Component: Exterior Lighting : HeadlightsManufacturer: Dope, Inc.Description: Dope, inc. is recalling 42,540 combination corner and bumper lamp assemblies of various part numbers sold for use as aftermarket equipment for various passenger vehicles. these headlamps fail to conform to the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 108, "lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment." these lamps do not contain the required amber side reflectors.Consequencs: Decreased lighting visibility may result in a vehicle crash.Notes: Dope, inc. will notify owners and offer a full refund for the noncompliant combination lamps. the safety recall began on july 28, 2009. owners may contact dope, inc. at 1-626-272-1798.
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