History available for VIN 4T1BF28B8YU109931

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Recalls: Toyota Avalon, 2000

Date: 29.07.2010Component: SteeringManufacturer: Toyota Motor North America, Inc.Description: Toyota is recalling certain model year 2000-2004 avalon vehicles. due to improper casting of the steering lock bar, there is a possibility that a minute crack may develop on the surface of the lock bar. such a crack may expand over a long period of repeated lock and unlock operations, and eventually the lock bar could break.Consequencs: Should the steering lock bar break, the steering wheel would lock and the driver would lose the ability to steer the vehicle, increasing the risk of a crash.Notes: Dealers will replace the steering interlock device free of charge. the safety recall began on september 7, 2010. owners may contact toyota at 1-800-331-4331.
Date: 29.07.2010Component: SteeringManufacturer: Toyota Motor North America, Inc.Description: Toyota is recalling certain model year 2000-2004 avalon vehicles. due to improper casting of the steering lock bar, there is a possibility that a minute crack may develop on the surface of the lock bar. such a crack may expand over a long period of repeated lock and unlock operations, and eventually the lock bar could break.Consequencs: Should the steering lock bar break, the steering wheel would lock and the driver would lose the ability to steer the vehicle, increasing the risk of a crash.Notes: Dealers will replace the steering interlock device free of charge. the safety recall began on september 7, 2010. owners may contact toyota at 1-800-331-4331.
Date: 29.07.2010Component: SteeringManufacturer: Toyota Motor North America, Inc.Description: Toyota is recalling certain model year 2000-2004 avalon vehicles. due to improper casting of the steering lock bar, there is a possibility that a minute crack may develop on the surface of the lock bar. such a crack may expand over a long period of repeated lock and unlock operations, and eventually the lock bar could break.Consequencs: Should the steering lock bar break, the steering wheel would lock and the driver would lose the ability to steer the vehicle, increasing the risk of a crash.Notes: Dealers will replace the steering interlock device free of charge. the safety recall began on september 7, 2010. owners may contact toyota at 1-800-331-4331.
Date: 29.07.2010Component: SteeringManufacturer: Toyota Motor North America, Inc.Description: Toyota is recalling certain model year 2000-2004 avalon vehicles. due to improper casting of the steering lock bar, there is a possibility that a minute crack may develop on the surface of the lock bar. such a crack may expand over a long period of repeated lock and unlock operations, and eventually the lock bar could break.Consequencs: Should the steering lock bar break, the steering wheel would lock and the driver would lose the ability to steer the vehicle, increasing the risk of a crash.Notes: Dealers will replace the steering interlock device free of charge. the safety recall began on september 7, 2010. owners may contact toyota at 1-800-331-4331.
Date: 29.07.2010Component: SteeringManufacturer: Toyota Motor North America, Inc.Description: Toyota is recalling certain model year 2000-2004 avalon vehicles. due to improper casting of the steering lock bar, there is a possibility that a minute crack may develop on the surface of the lock bar. such a crack may expand over a long period of repeated lock and unlock operations, and eventually the lock bar could break.Consequencs: Should the steering lock bar break, the steering wheel would lock and the driver would lose the ability to steer the vehicle, increasing the risk of a crash.Notes: Dealers will replace the steering interlock device free of charge. the safety recall began on september 7, 2010. owners may contact toyota at 1-800-331-4331.
Date: 05.06.2000Component: Suspension : RearManufacturer: Toyota Motor North America, Inc.Description: Vehicle description: passenger vehicles. due to improper heat treatment, the rear axle may not have adequate strength in some areas.Consequencs: After extended use of the vehicle, the rear axle shafts could fail or break.Notes: Dealers will inspect and replace the rear axle hub assemblies.
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