History available for VIN YV1RS592582693029

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  • Engine:
    2.5L L5 DOHC 20V TURBO
  • Bodytype:
    Sedan 4-dr
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Recalls: Volvo S60, 2008

Date: 08.11.2010Component: Equipment : Electrical : Navigational System(global Positioning System)Manufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: Volvo is recalling certain vehicles equipped with garmin 760 portable global positioning system (gps) units because the batteries on those units may overheat. Consequencs: An overheated battery could lead to a fire.Notes: Volvo advises owners to please stop using the garmin portable gps device immediately, and visit the garmin website to determine if their unit is affected. the unit's battery will be replaced with a new battery and a spacer will be inserted on top of the battery next to the pcb. this service will be performed free of charge. the safety recall began on november 18, 2010. owners may contact garmin at 866-957-1981 or visit garmin's website at www.garmin.com/nuvibatterypcbrecall.
Date: 08.11.2010Component: Equipment : Electrical : Navigational System(global Positioning System)Manufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: Volvo is recalling certain vehicles equipped with garmin 760 portable global positioning system (gps) units because the batteries on those units may overheat. Consequencs: An overheated battery could lead to a fire.Notes: Volvo advises owners to please stop using the garmin portable gps device immediately, and visit the garmin website to determine if their unit is affected. the unit's battery will be replaced with a new battery and a spacer will be inserted on top of the battery next to the pcb. this service will be performed free of charge. the safety recall began on november 18, 2010. owners may contact garmin at 866-957-1981 or visit garmin's website at www.garmin.com/nuvibatterypcbrecall.
Date: 08.11.2010Component: Equipment : Electrical : Navigational System(global Positioning System)Manufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: Volvo is recalling certain vehicles equipped with garmin 760 portable global positioning system (gps) units because the batteries on those units may overheat. Consequencs: An overheated battery could lead to a fire.Notes: Volvo advises owners to please stop using the garmin portable gps device immediately, and visit the garmin website to determine if their unit is affected. the unit's battery will be replaced with a new battery and a spacer will be inserted on top of the battery next to the pcb. this service will be performed free of charge. the safety recall began on november 18, 2010. owners may contact garmin at 866-957-1981 or visit garmin's website at www.garmin.com/nuvibatterypcbrecall.
Date: 08.11.2010Component: Equipment : Electrical : Navigational System(global Positioning System)Manufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: Volvo is recalling certain vehicles equipped with garmin 760 portable global positioning system (gps) units because the batteries on those units may overheat. Consequencs: An overheated battery could lead to a fire.Notes: Volvo advises owners to please stop using the garmin portable gps device immediately, and visit the garmin website to determine if their unit is affected. the unit's battery will be replaced with a new battery and a spacer will be inserted on top of the battery next to the pcb. this service will be performed free of charge. the safety recall began on november 18, 2010. owners may contact garmin at 866-957-1981 or visit garmin's website at www.garmin.com/nuvibatterypcbrecall.
Date: 08.11.2010Component: Equipment : Electrical : Navigational System(global Positioning System)Manufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: Volvo is recalling certain vehicles equipped with garmin 760 portable global positioning system (gps) units because the batteries on those units may overheat. Consequencs: An overheated battery could lead to a fire.Notes: Volvo advises owners to please stop using the garmin portable gps device immediately, and visit the garmin website to determine if their unit is affected. the unit's battery will be replaced with a new battery and a spacer will be inserted on top of the battery next to the pcb. this service will be performed free of charge. the safety recall began on november 18, 2010. owners may contact garmin at 866-957-1981 or visit garmin's website at www.garmin.com/nuvibatterypcbrecall.
Date: 08.11.2010Component: Equipment : Electrical : Navigational System(global Positioning System)Manufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: Volvo is recalling certain vehicles equipped with garmin 760 portable global positioning system (gps) units because the batteries on those units may overheat. Consequencs: An overheated battery could lead to a fire.Notes: Volvo advises owners to please stop using the garmin portable gps device immediately, and visit the garmin website to determine if their unit is affected. the unit's battery will be replaced with a new battery and a spacer will be inserted on top of the battery next to the pcb. this service will be performed free of charge. the safety recall began on november 18, 2010. owners may contact garmin at 866-957-1981 or visit garmin's website at www.garmin.com/nuvibatterypcbrecall.
Date: 08.11.2010Component: Equipment : Electrical : Navigational System(global Positioning System)Manufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: Volvo is recalling certain vehicles equipped with garmin 760 portable global positioning system (gps) units because the batteries on those units may overheat. Consequencs: An overheated battery could lead to a fire.Notes: Volvo advises owners to please stop using the garmin portable gps device immediately, and visit the garmin website to determine if their unit is affected. the unit's battery will be replaced with a new battery and a spacer will be inserted on top of the battery next to the pcb. this service will be performed free of charge. the safety recall began on november 18, 2010. owners may contact garmin at 866-957-1981 or visit garmin's website at www.garmin.com/nuvibatterypcbrecall.
Date: 08.11.2010Component: Equipment : Electrical : Navigational System(global Positioning System)Manufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: Volvo is recalling certain vehicles equipped with garmin 760 portable global positioning system (gps) units because the batteries on those units may overheat. Consequencs: An overheated battery could lead to a fire.Notes: Volvo advises owners to please stop using the garmin portable gps device immediately, and visit the garmin website to determine if their unit is affected. the unit's battery will be replaced with a new battery and a spacer will be inserted on top of the battery next to the pcb. this service will be performed free of charge. the safety recall began on november 18, 2010. owners may contact garmin at 866-957-1981 or visit garmin's website at www.garmin.com/nuvibatterypcbrecall.
Date: 08.11.2010Component: Equipment : Electrical : Navigational System(global Positioning System)Manufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: Volvo is recalling certain vehicles equipped with garmin 760 portable global positioning system (gps) units because the batteries on those units may overheat. Consequencs: An overheated battery could lead to a fire.Notes: Volvo advises owners to please stop using the garmin portable gps device immediately, and visit the garmin website to determine if their unit is affected. the unit's battery will be replaced with a new battery and a spacer will be inserted on top of the battery next to the pcb. this service will be performed free of charge. the safety recall began on november 18, 2010. owners may contact garmin at 866-957-1981 or visit garmin's website at www.garmin.com/nuvibatterypcbrecall.
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