History available for VIN YV1CZ911951165068

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  • Engine:
    2.9L L6 DOHC 24V TURBO
  • Bodytype:
    Sport Utility 4-dr
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Recalls: Volvo XC90, 2005

Date: 25.05.2007Component: Electrical System : Battery : CablesManufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: On certain passenger vehicles, it has been determined that while doing battery maintenance the jack's crank handle can be misplaced under a bracket which retains the battery. Consequencs: Misplacement of the jack's crank handle can pose a safety risk as it can result in a short circuit of the battery which could then lead to a fire.Notes: Dealers will inspect and ensure proper placement of the jack crank handle and a warning label with approved text will be affixed to the bracket which retains the battery. this warning label will inform an operator not to place the jack crank handle between the bracket and the battery free of charge. the recall began on july 7, 2007. owners may contact volvo at 1-800-458-1552.
Date: 05.05.2006Component: Steering : Linkages : Tie Rod AssemblyManufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: On certain passenger vehicles,the outer tie rod ball joint can deform at high loads causing a loss of the clamping force and the nut may loosen, which may eventually lead to a fatigue fracture of the outer tie rod ball joint.Consequencs: The driver may notice that the vehicle is difficult to maneuver increasing the risk of a crash.Notes: Dealers will replace the outer ball joint tie rods with improved outer ball joint tie rods free of charge. the recall began on june 23, 2006. owners may contact volvo at 1-800-458-1552.
Date: 28.04.2006Component: Visibility : Windshield Wiper/washerManufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: On certain vehicles, if the wiper arm is activated in extreme winter weather conditions and without lifting the wiper arms and cleaning the windshield prior to moving, the wiper arm might slip on its driveshaft, resulting in an inability to move the wipers from the park position.Consequencs: Inoperative wipers under inclement weather conditions could cause a crash due to impaired visibility.Notes: Dealers will replace the wiper arms and retaining nuts. the recall began on september 5, 2006. owners may contact volvo cars at 1-800-458-1552.
Date: 28.04.2006Component: Visibility : Windshield Wiper/washerManufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: On certain vehicles, if the wiper arm is activated in extreme winter weather conditions and without lifting the wiper arms and cleaning the windshield prior to moving, the wiper arm might slip on its driveshaft, resulting in an inability to move the wipers from the park position.Consequencs: Inoperative wipers under inclement weather conditions could cause a crash due to impaired visibility.Notes: Dealers will replace the wiper arms and retaining nuts. the recall began on september 5, 2006. owners may contact volvo cars at 1-800-458-1552.
Date: 17.11.2005Component: Electrical System : Starter Assembly : SolenoidManufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: On certain passenger and sport utility vehicles, due to an error in the factory assembly instruction, the b+terminal may be in conflict with the starter motor solenoid. if this occurs, the conflict between the b+terminal and the starter motor solenoid may develop into a short circuit of the battery cable to ground. Consequencs: Smoke may appear from under the hood and it may be impossible to start the car. if the short circuit happens during driving, electrical power could be lost resulting in the warning lamps being deactivated. an electrical short could result in a fire. Notes: Dealers will inspect and increase distance between the b+terminal and the starter motor solenoid by adjusting the terminal. the recall began on january 31, 2006. owners may contact volvo at 1-800-458-1552.
Date: 05.05.2006Component: Steering : Linkages : Tie Rod AssemblyManufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: On certain passenger vehicles,the outer tie rod ball joint can deform at high loads causing a loss of the clamping force and the nut may loosen, which may eventually lead to a fatigue fracture of the outer tie rod ball joint.Consequencs: The driver may notice that the vehicle is difficult to maneuver increasing the risk of a crash.Notes: Dealers will replace the outer ball joint tie rods with improved outer ball joint tie rods free of charge. the recall began on june 23, 2006. owners may contact volvo at 1-800-458-1552.
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