History available for VIN YV1RH592652485459

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  • Engine:
    2.5L L5 DOHC 20V TURBO
  • Bodytype:
    Sedan 4-dr
We found history records for Volvo S60, YV1RH592652485459. Additional information about history report below:
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Recalls: Volvo S60, 2005

Date: 03.10.2006Component: Equipment : Other : LabelsManufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: Certain vehicles fail to conform to the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 110, "tire selection and rims." the label denoting the tire and loading pressure information is incorrect.Consequencs: A misprinted label would lead to improper vehicle loading specifications or tire inflation which could result in a tire failure, increasing the risk of a crash.Notes: Dealers will mail the correct labels free of charge. the recall began on december 18, 2006. owners may contact volvo at 1-800-458-1552.
Date: 03.10.2006Component: Equipment : Other : LabelsManufacturer: Volvo Cars Of N.a. Llc.Description: Certain vehicles fail to conform to the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 110, "tire selection and rims." the label denoting the tire and loading pressure information is incorrect.Consequencs: A misprinted label would lead to improper vehicle loading specifications or tire inflation which could result in a tire failure, increasing the risk of a crash.Notes: Dealers will mail the correct labels free of charge. the recall began on december 18, 2006. owners may contact volvo at 1-800-458-1552.
Date: 29.03.2007Component: Service Brakes, Hydraulic : Foundation Components : Master CylinderManufacturer: Cardone Industries, Inc.Description: Certain cardone master cylinders with part numbers 10-2925, 10-2987, 10-2987mza, 10-3083, 11-3015, 11-3042, 11-3044, 11-3045, 11-3047, 11-3064, and 11-3156, and with date codes lower than dca7078 sold as replacement equipment for use on the vehicles listed above. the seal on master cylinder can fail and leak brake fluid.Consequencs: Loss of brake fluid can result in poor braking performance, possibly resulting in a vehicle crash.Notes: Cardone will notify owners and offer to repurchase any defective master cylinders. the recall began during april 2007. owners can contact cardone at 1-800-777-4780.
Date: 29.03.2007Component: Service Brakes, Hydraulic : Foundation Components : Master CylinderManufacturer: Cardone Industries, Inc.Description: Certain cardone master cylinders with part numbers 10-2925, 10-2987, 10-2987mza, 10-3083, 11-3015, 11-3042, 11-3044, 11-3045, 11-3047, 11-3064, and 11-3156, and with date codes lower than dca7078 sold as replacement equipment for use on the vehicles listed above. the seal on master cylinder can fail and leak brake fluid.Consequencs: Loss of brake fluid can result in poor braking performance, possibly resulting in a vehicle crash.Notes: Cardone will notify owners and offer to repurchase any defective master cylinders. the recall began during april 2007. owners can contact cardone at 1-800-777-4780.
Date: 29.03.2007Component: Service Brakes, Hydraulic : Foundation Components : Master CylinderManufacturer: Cardone Industries, Inc.Description: Certain cardone master cylinders with part numbers 10-2925, 10-2987, 10-2987mza, 10-3083, 11-3015, 11-3042, 11-3044, 11-3045, 11-3047, 11-3064, and 11-3156, and with date codes lower than dca7078 sold as replacement equipment for use on the vehicles listed above. the seal on master cylinder can fail and leak brake fluid.Consequencs: Loss of brake fluid can result in poor braking performance, possibly resulting in a vehicle crash.Notes: Cardone will notify owners and offer to repurchase any defective master cylinders. the recall began during april 2007. owners can contact cardone at 1-800-777-4780.
Date: 29.03.2007Component: Service Brakes, Hydraulic : Foundation Components : Master CylinderManufacturer: Cardone Industries, Inc.Description: Certain cardone master cylinders with part numbers 10-2925, 10-2987, 10-2987mza, 10-3083, 11-3015, 11-3042, 11-3044, 11-3045, 11-3047, 11-3064, and 11-3156, and with date codes lower than dca7078 sold as replacement equipment for use on the vehicles listed above. the seal on master cylinder can fail and leak brake fluid.Consequencs: Loss of brake fluid can result in poor braking performance, possibly resulting in a vehicle crash.Notes: Cardone will notify owners and offer to repurchase any defective master cylinders. the recall began during april 2007. owners can contact cardone at 1-800-777-4780.
Date: 29.03.2007Component: Service Brakes, Hydraulic : Foundation Components : Master CylinderManufacturer: Cardone Industries, Inc.Description: Certain cardone master cylinders with part numbers 10-2925, 10-2987, 10-2987mza, 10-3083, 11-3015, 11-3042, 11-3044, 11-3045, 11-3047, 11-3064, and 11-3156, and with date codes lower than dca7078 sold as replacement equipment for use on the vehicles listed above. the seal on master cylinder can fail and leak brake fluid.Consequencs: Loss of brake fluid can result in poor braking performance, possibly resulting in a vehicle crash.Notes: Cardone will notify owners and offer to repurchase any defective master cylinders. the recall began during april 2007. owners can contact cardone at 1-800-777-4780.
Date: 29.03.2007Component: Service Brakes, Hydraulic : Foundation Components : Master CylinderManufacturer: Cardone Industries, Inc.Description: Certain cardone master cylinders with part numbers 10-2925, 10-2987, 10-2987mza, 10-3083, 11-3015, 11-3042, 11-3044, 11-3045, 11-3047, 11-3064, and 11-3156, and with date codes lower than dca7078 sold as replacement equipment for use on the vehicles listed above. the seal on master cylinder can fail and leak brake fluid.Consequencs: Loss of brake fluid can result in poor braking performance, possibly resulting in a vehicle crash.Notes: Cardone will notify owners and offer to repurchase any defective master cylinders. the recall began during april 2007. owners can contact cardone at 1-800-777-4780.
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